In early October I received the letter below from Ram Kapar. You will remember I talked about meeting him and my working vacation in Nepal that starts tomorrow in my post here.
If you don’t have time to read the entire letter just skim it down to see more images of the floods at the bottom.

Dear Kimberley,
Rural Community development Service Council (RCDSC) is a Non-profit organization in Nepal.RCDSC has been working in the Terai Region of Nepal for more than a decade now and has been continuously supporting the needy people as and when necessary especially, in natural calamities. At present, due to continuous rain for three days, there is flood in our working area and the houses of people are drowned. People’s personal belongings like clothes, cooking pots etc are seen floating. The government is trying its best to support the needy community but the resources are not reaching out to the real helpless community. Around 45,000 poor people have lost their houses (made up of clay and bricks), lost their belongings and more than 15 children are missing. People are running out their homes seeking shelter in flood-free area but since the flood is everywhere in the region there is no way out. The livelihood of the community is at risk due to unavailability of food, drinking water, road access and almost everything. Road way has been completely blocked, electricity is cut-off and food stored at house is swept away or is overflowed by water.
The condition is more pathetic in Mahottari and Dhanusha district as the embankment of river has been damaged and the water is flowing into Jaleswar Municipality. It is obvious that the community of the region is sure to bear water borne diseases and epidemics. First aid kids and packed foods are the immediate need to reduce humanitarian casualties and suffering from reaching out to panic.
Therefore, RCDSC likes to request you to forward this message to as many support organizations as possible such that RCDSC will work this year too like previous years for reducing fatalities and from spreading of diseases and rehabilitation of poor people’s residence after the flood is controlled.
I have attached photograph of the area where our social workers could reach out capturing the flood of the area for your kind information and comprehend the situation live.
Thanking for kind and generous support from you in this regards
Ram Adhar Kapar Chairperson

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