Inspired by the full board with the help of Andy Robinson and finalized by the Development Committee for board approval in November 2009.
Ontario Nature Board of Directors 2009 – 2010 Menu of Opportunities
Thank you for being part of the Ontario Nature Board. We want to make your participation in the fund raising aspect of our organization as easy and effective as possible. To help you consider your choices, we present you with a menu of opportunities to work with Ontario Nature.
Appetizers – Sampling each of these will excite your palette and ready you for more substantial fare:
– Make Ontario Nature 10% of your annual charitable giving while you are on the Board (and hopefully after your tenure on the board ends too).
– Meet with some existing donors to learn why they support Ontario Nature.
– Help bring more volunteers to the development committee.
– Tell two family members, friends or colleagues why you joined the Ontario Nature Board and ask them to join you in supporting Ontario Nature in their charitable gifts this year.
Entrees – We anticipate that everyone will have an appetite for at least two from the main course:
– Include Ontario Nature in your will. – Tap your network of service providers such as real estate brokers, financial planners, accounts or plumbers who could serve their customers better by sending a subscription to ON Nature to their best clients. – Help to host an event for supporters, or invite supporters to an Ontario Nature event. – Visit a prospective donor with another staff or board member. – Make a presentation to a member nature club about your favourite Ontario Nature program (or all their programs) and end the talk with a request for each member to join you in financially supporting Ontario Nature. – Make thank you calls or write personal thank you notes to donors. – Join another board member, volunteer or staff member on a second meeting with a donor and help plan the specific request for donation. If you have room –
– Make a challenge gift. – Identify new prospective donors. – Come up with an idea of your own to support environmental causes and Ontario Nature
Table Etiquette Please help staff maintain neat and tidy records by taking notes immediately after you speak or meet with an Ontario Nature supporter. We adhere to professional guidelines about privacy that will help you know what type of information we maintain.
Share the love:)
