So I’m back at work. Dragged myself in if you want to know the truth. Now it is dark and I’m about to drive home (over an hour). Part of what I do everyday (hopefully) before I leave the office is sign tax receipts. We promise a 48 hour turn around on this and try to do it.
We have a lot today given we were on holiday. So it was quiet and I was signing and thinking (dangerous – can’t seem to stop lately).
A lot of us read stuff or learn it at conferences but never actually do it. About seven years ago I read Thanks! by Penelope Burke. She suggested fundraisers end everyday by phoning donors and thanking them for their gift. When I started this job four years ago as Executive Director I was so grateful that I had control over this and could actually commit to doing it. It has become a habit.
I get the receipt, look at their cheque for clues – like wiggly writing (planned giving prospect) private banking account (rich) or special logos (WWF – competition and interest), then I check the database to look at their giving history. I don’t really have a policy on who I phone. Whoever I feel like talking too really.
Some prompts are:
– renewed after a long time – increased donation – decreased donation – gave me their number (hint they want to talk!) – wrote a note on the pledge form – gave very generously for them
It could be anything. Since I work in a small shop I can micro manage donations and receipting like this. That is probably one of the reasons I find small shops so satisfying.
I absolutely LOVE this part of my day. It doesn’t matter what else happened. Phoning donors just to say thanks is fun!!! Do it tomorrow – it will make you smile.
I think I’ll reference my post from last week about what I learned in a new series – What I’m Actually Doing. Would that be interesting?
Here is a hint of what else I did today….could be number one on the next series of blogs. I will give bonus point to anyone who can figure out what learning from last year I am applying here.
BTW: that red list on the right – that is what I have to do tomorrow.
Thank you for spending time here,

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